Friday, September 08, 2006

Quiet Friday, Ruminative Friday
Circumspect Friday, Gauze Friday

Said the Gramophone, which you need to bookmark, posted a Julie Doiron tune, which pleased me to hear and reminded me to remember her more often. Here's a favorite, Gone, Gone, and here's her website where she's generously posted many mp3.

I know, you can't help think Nick Drake when Alexi Murdoch sings, but don't let that stop you listening to Murdoch's music. And here's NPR's recording of Murdoch in concert.

And Damien Jurado. The wondrous return of Sparklehorse. And Mojave 3.

And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead

Late Lunch Updates:

Julie Doiron and the Wooden Stars

Alexi Murdoch


Damien Jurado

Mojave 3

And, Happy Birthday, M:


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