Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I mentioned, loudly, that Sonic Youth has a new CD out. Reclick on this link to that link to hear the new CD for FREE! and click on this link to hear a good review of the new CD plus a good bio plus more FREE! Sonic Youth music, past and present. Sonic Youth. Go. Now.

Gyorgi Ligiti, whose name I knew but whose music I'm only became familiar with through my connection with the folks over at Sequenza 21, has died. If you've seen 2001: A Space Odyssey you've heard Ligiti's music, and Kubrick used Ligiti's music in other movies, but of course there's so much more. Here's an NPR obit, here's Alex Ross' appreciation, here's the NYT's, and over on S21 you'll find much discussion of Ligiti's music and importance (including a critique of the NYT obit).

Jeebers, watch this:

Like that one? Watch this:

* * * * * * *

Me, the Blackdogress, and Planet are getting on an airplane Weds morning for some place called Minnesota. Don't know how much posting there will be, though I'm told that this Minnesota has electricity and I'll be carrying a laptop and a crappy wifi thingee. I am deeply concerned that I may miss the Ningland game Saturday night because of crappy wifi thingee and/or otherwise being engaged. How I managed to arrange for the Blackdogress' college reunion in said Minnesota to be scheduled so that it didn't conflict with a DCU homegame will regretably have to remain a secret.


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