Surely I would be smacked by fans of the other eleven MLS teams if I complained to them that these 1-0 victories are getting old, but DCU's inability to score a second goal's starting to concern me.
Troy Perkins was certainly man of the match, and if he hadn't been than Bobby Boswell would have. The Post article linked above at the score mentions that Rimando is scheduled to get, if not this start, one of the six games in short succession, but why? Kansas City had more and better chances than United - especially in one sequence in the first half when Perkins made two tremendous stops on Scott Sealy (note to KC: thanks for taking Sealy out of the game in the 71st minute). Perkins has earned the right to play until he un-earns it.
And at some point, probably starting this Wednesday, DCU is going to need two, and they've gone five games now stuck on one per. It's remarkable that a team can get eleven points out of five games scoring only five goals. Remarkable and probably unlikely ever again. For all the good that Clyde Simms has shown, the offense has sputtered since Ben left for Deutschland. The next bit of strategic juggling Nowak has to do is to find a way to work Olsen back in, maybe shifting Simms out to the midfield hole now being occupied by McTavish (who almost hit a brilliant goal in the first half from long distance - it would have gone in if Oshoniyi hadn't fingertipped it up off the crossbar) and Mediate.
The rain was fine - better that than 97 degrees in the sun - but the lightning delay sucked. I overheard someone saying they were told that once lightning is seen management is required to wait 20 minutes of not seeing another bolt before play can resume.
Oh, there was a new usher working the portal into 232 who heard some fans in the 300s bitching about people standing in 232. Someone (not me) told her that he would sit if she could get Barra Brava and Screaming Eagles to sit down. She tromps down to Barra, taps a guy in his 12 shirt on the shoulder and asks him to sit, and he looks at her as if she's from Mars. Oy.
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